How To Turn Your Dream Career Into A Reality

We're always encouraged to follow our passions, especially when it comes to a career. This is due to the simple fact that being happy at work matters. Not only does it encourage us to work hard and achieve our goals, but it also impacts our physical and mental health. 

As a result, it's essential that you find a workplace environment where you feel respected, supported and comfortable. You should also aim to work within an industry or position that excites or challenges you. To put it simply, you should be working in your dream job!

However, seeking employment within any sector is challenging, and many job seekers have to send out many applications before even being given a chance to impress in an interview. 

With that in mind, here are some top tips that you can use to build your dream career.

Remember that confidence is key. Confidence can go a long way no matter what industry you work in. In some cases, it's a way to get your foot in the door and stand out from other applications. In others, it's the tool you will use to leverage for higher-paid positions. As such, you should work on improving your confidence where possible. For example, you could focus on improving your networking skills so that you're able to upsell yourself and your skills. In this instance, it's crucial that you're able to battle imposter syndrome. Remember that you are in your position for a reason and have all it takes to succeed. 

Invest in your hobbies and & 'me time'. This advice may seem a little left-of-field, especially as we live in a society that glorifies hustle culture and non-stop working. However, many studies suggest that those who invest time and energy into their hobbies are often much more successful in their professional lives. This is because hobbies help you to cultivate a better work-life balance and ensure your well-being needs are being met. As a result, it's time to start investing your time (and money) into pursuing your hobbies. For example, if you're a keen guitarist and fancy yourself as something of a musician, invest in a Looping Pedal so that you can start recording your tunes and further honing your skills. Furthermore, studies suggest that playing instruments can improve your cognitive abilities, meaning this could even be a way to enhance your career prospects. Alternatively, if you are passionate about sports, you may be able to make some money from this via sports betting. Even if you are watching a different game, you can place bets on other games and events happening, and make use of a resource like to help guide you towards the best sportsbooks, keep you up-to-date with current events relating to sports betting, and show you which games might be worth putting a bet on.

Grasp every training opportunity. While you may already have a career goal in mind, it's unlikely that you'll be able to walk this position immediately, especially if it's a more senior role. Instead, you need to be ready and willing to climb that ladder without skipping any steps. This basically means that you need to find as many ways as possible to get the experience you need to get the job you want. For example, if you're pursuing a career in tech, you should start by

learning to 'talk tech' and teaching yourself the basics before signing up for courses, masterclasses or even shadowing or mentorship schemes. The more opportunities you seize, the better, especially if it helps you make meaningful connections.  

Take risks. Sometimes, to pursue your dream career, you have to be willing to take a few risks on the way. For example, you might have to leave a comfortable position in another company to gain the experience you need, even if this results in a pay cut. While this may seem a little daunting, it will definitely pay off in the end. You could always make a few lifestyle adjustments during this time, such as cutting down on your monthly expenses, to make the move a little more feasible. However, it's also essential that you aren't afraid to negotiate your salary and ensure you are being paid what you deserve. Even if you don't have direct experience in that role before, you can request a higher salary by demonstrating how your transferable skills will come in handy. 

Keep your mind positive. Whether you're entering a career later in life or not finding a position as quickly as you'd like, you must maintain a positive outlook. This will help you navigate any setbacks that come your way and ensure that you are always thinking practically. When you allow yourself to become overwhelmed with negativity, you may not present yourself in the best light in interviews or may even make mistakes in your applications that cause them to be disregarded. Stay positive, stay focused and know that even if it takes a lot of time, you've got this.