Common Mistakes Businesses Make When Choosing Software

Choosing software for your business can be tricky. There are now so many different programs and services out there, such as hcl managed services, that it’s easy to make the wrong choice. While the right software could help to speed up your business and save you money, the wrong software could hold you back and potentially be a waste of money. To help you make the right choice, here are some of the common mistakes to avoid when shopping for commercial software.

Opting for the cheapest software

If you’re on a tight budget, you may be tempted to settle for the cheapest software you can find. There are plenty of free programs out there including free accounting software and free project management software. However, these tools tend to be very basic and suitable only for freelancers and very small businesses. Such software is also unlikely to have much support and there could be security issues or unsolved bugs.

As a result, whether you are looking for home health care software for your care agency, or accounting software for your restaurant business, software may not be something you want to skimp on. There are low cost good software options out there but they’re never the cheapest options. Be prepared to spend some money on software if you want something reliable, secure, and dynamic enough for your needs. For instance, if you need help with monitoring, searching, analyzing, and visualizing large amounts of data, you may choose to use Splunk. To ensure you get the best for your business, splunk license manager consultants can help you assess your needs, accurately estimate your data usage, and properly size your Splunk licenses.

Overlooking scalability

On the topic of cheap software, it’s important that you also consider your future needs. A basic program may be all you need as a start up, but as business pick up you could find that you’re limited as to what you can do.

The best types of business software are scalable, allowing you to upgrade them and add more features if necessary. For instance, if you’re looking into form-building software, you may find that a basic program only allows you to build a limited number of forms, while a scalable software solution allows you to pay more for the option of building more form.

Migrating to a different software solution isn’t easy, but it can be done. There are companies that can help you make the transition, such as this company helping clients to migrate to Azure. Not all information may be possible to migrate, depending on the software.

Refusing to embrace the cloud

Cloud technology has taken over in the last decade, with one such example being the best-in-class NetSuite ERP system offered to businesses by netsuite partners Finlyte. This system allows them to manage their complex accounting and financial functions and beyond. However, there are some businesses that still haven’t embraced the cloud yet. Some people believe cloud technology to be less secure, while others simply don’t understand the technology. This reluctance to embrace cloud technology could be holding your business back and it could limit the software options that you can use (the majority of major software solutions are now cloud-based).

Make sure that you’ve done personal research into the cloud and that you understand the technology before making a choice whether or not to use it. Most people would agree that cloud technology is more secure – just like putting money in a bank, you’re storing your information in a remote server that is heavily guarded with security technology well beyond anything on your personal computer. Cloud technology also allows you to work flexibly from any machine and any location. On top of this, it can allow you to access more powerful tools – the file size of which may be too big if they were stored wholly on your computer hard drive or a local server.

Neglecting demos and free trials

It’s beneficial to try out software before you buy it, so that you know that it’s personally right for you.

Many programs offer free trials, which allow you to test out software for a couple days. A free trial may not give you access to a full version of the program, however it can still give you a good idea of how easy the program is to use and whether it has the basic functions that you need. Take advantage of free trials where possible. If employees are potentially going to be using the software, it could be worth getting them to test it out too.

Demos can also be worth taking advantage of. These may include videos of the software in use that may help explain the features. Some software companies even hold software demo conferences in which a spokesperson runs through the features using a presentation. While these demos tend to be heavily promotional, they can give you extra useful information on features – including features you may not realize exist.

Not reading reviews

Reviews of software can be useful for offering unbiased information on the pros and cons. This may include professional reviews and user reviews.

Professional reviews tend to be written by software experts. They’re able to take an in-depth look at all the features and can tell you what works and what doesn’t. Some professional reviewers may even provide comparison guides, helping you to compare multiple programs. You can find these reviews on business tech publication sites like Forbes Tech.

User reviews are reviews left by fellow business owners. They may offer more basic feedback on the features of software, but may do so from a more practical angle. There are sites dedicated to such user reviews.

A good program should have mostly positive reviews. Make sure to read a couple of these reviews and don’t simply rely on the overall score.

Not checking if software integrates with existing programs

It may be useful for software to integrate with other programs on your system so that you can easily link and transfer information if necessary. Some programs don’t play nicely together, which can mean having to constantly switch between tabs (which could make your work feel less organized).

Brand new programs tend not to integrate well with another. Established programs are often more compatible with other programs – there may be newer patches available that can help you to integrate them. It’s sometimes worth hiring a software expert to handle the integration process.

Using new software on old hardware

When upgrading your software, you may also want to consider whether it’s time to upgrade your hardware. Old computers may not be able to handle new programs – or at least not to their full extent.

Ideally, computers should be replaced every four years. It is common for parts to wear out after this period of time, particularly if the computer has been heavily used. With a relatively new computer, you can be sure that you’re getting the best out of any software that you choose.

Not considering custom software

If you can’t find a software solution that is the right fit for you, don’t overlook the option of custom software. By building your own software, you can personalize it to your specific needs. This could help your business to run more efficiently.

To build your own custom software, you’ll likely need the help of a software developer. There are many companies out there that specialize in building custom software for companies. Be wary of the fact that it will generally cost you more to build your own software than use pre-existing software. Also, the more complex the software, the more expensive it will be to build.