7 Steps For Mobile Job Searching

For a lot of professionals, the coronavirus pandemic has wholly transformed the employment market. 

We are now approaching what could be described as a second wave. Cases are on the way up again, and soon strict restrictions and self-isolation measures are likely to become popular again all around the world. For modern professionals looking to boost their employment chances ahead of the next wave, the time is for effective mobile job search. Why mobile? Because there is no time to waste. Using your smartphone ensures you can proceed to the application and further recruitment steps as soon as vacancies become available. Indeed, at a time where most interviews happen online for safety purposes, your email alert settings for the latest jobs won’t be fast enough to let you stand out from the crowd. 


#1. Upgraded operating system

Can you rely on your smartphone to keep you updated? When Steve Jobs described the smartphone as a computer you can carry in your pocket, he had a clear vision about a small device with a huge range of abilities. Over 10 years down the line, the smartphone has evolved into a virtual wallet, a secured document storage system, a personal assistance, a fitness trainer, and pretty much anything you wish to use it for. The motto? There’s an app for it. In fairness, there is an app for almost anything, and as such, using the most relevant apps for your job search can ensure you can get the latest jobs and information. Yet, if you’re going to make the most of your apps, you also want a device that can support the most relevant operating system. For Apple, that’s the iOS14, which you can learn more about here. For Samsung, the latest Android OS is Android 10. Ideally, whenever possible, you want to upgrade to the latest (i)OS to keep your job apps working. 

#2. Understand how to make the most of LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the holy grail platform for job seekers. Unfortunately, it is also a highly popular platform that is filled with activities and users. There may be a ton of jobs available on the platform, but there are also plenty of users who could snap them before you. Ideally, rather than taking the long way through an application process, you can use LinkedIn smartly to boost your prospective chances. The first and most important question to ask yourself: Who is hiring for the job? The hiring manager in a company is typically focused on a specific position for which they need the perfect candidate. On your LinkedIn app, you can search for job titles that include the terms “I’m hiring”. Most hiring managers publish it on their profile along with their job titles. 

#3. Change your profile photo

LinkedIn may be the first place where hiring managers get to see you. But many check your profile on other social media platforms. Needless to say, it’s a good idea to clear tweets, Facebook status updates, and Instagram photos that may be deemed too personal or riské. But, what you also need to do is to bring your profile photo to the next level. It takes only a few seconds to update your image on social media platforms. You can ensure you’ve got a professional shot for your LInkedIn. For Twitter and other channels, you can safely use a quality selfie snapped on your phone. Where do you need to update your profile with a clear and friendly selfie?

  • Whatsapp

  • Twitter

  • Instagram

  • Facebook

  • Gmail & G Suite 

  • Blog if relevant. 

#4. Build a network on social media

It would be cliché to claim that B2B roles prefer a platform such as Twitter for networking – outside of Linkedin. But the fact remains that Twitter continues to play a huge role in building a professional network. Indeed, the platform allows professionals who share a common interest in an industry field or specific business solutions to reach out to each other. However, a lot of networking tips on Twitter are also suitable for other platforms such as Instagram. Why should you network online? Because you can build a follower base that will support your expertise, which can help convince a hiring manager. 

#5. Keep all your documents in the cloud

Being active and informative on social media can help you get noticed by a hiring manager, even if you don’t yet know that there’s a job available. In other words, you are saving time. It can be hugely satisfying to receive a message from a business person who’s noticed your profile online. 

“Hi John, 

I follow you on Twitter. I’ve loved your last article about X. 

We are in the process of recruiting for a role that matches your skills. I’ve enclosed the job description. We would love to consider you for the position. Could you send me your resume?”

By using your social media apps to manage your network and visibility, you can get yourself already on top of the application list. However, the hiring manager may not be willing to wait for you. Keeping your essential documents in the cloud means you can retrieve them at a click, ready to send. 

#6. Record a greeting message that makes a difference

As advanced as smartphone technology is, you can’t afford to forget that the device remains a phone tool. Recruiters and hiring managers are likely to try to call and get in touch. What happens if you can’t pick up? They go directly to your voicemail. Creating a powerful voicemail greeting is guaranteed to make a positive impression. Creating a message that is authentic, professional, fluent, and inviting already says a lot about your communication skills. 

#7. End your emails with a professional touch

Are you sending an email via your smartphone? You are not the first person to do so. Make sure to check for spelling mistakes or autocorrect mishaps before you press send. More importantly, make sure you replace the default signature to add a professional tone to the message. Replace the “Sent from my iPhone” signature with something meaningful, such as your name and skill set. 

Your smartphone is, as Steve Jobs described it, a personal computer in your pocket. As such, making sure your device can support your job search in terms of speed, efficiency, and professionalism will help you stand out from the crowds.